The cupcake of all cupcakes! I love this cake. I know I still have much more to learn but I do feel like I am somewhat getting the hang of this. Watch, my next one will be a disaster just for saying that. The following pics show you what I created and the inspiration. This was my first attempt at making a topsy turvy cake as well as sculpting the cupcake. I definitely did not sculpt it nearly as perfect and cute as the pinkcakebox one. Mine is a little more...uh, realistic? I guess that's a good word to describe it. This was also my first at making a fondant bow. I used some pearlescent edible dust to give the luster on the bow and bottom two tiers. I embossed the purple fondant to give it a more textured look as well. I decided to be lazy and use a box cake mix. The mix was fine to use and gave me more time to work on decorating. I was worried it would not be sturdy enough but it did the trick and held. I created a strawberry swirl using a strawberry mix and yellow mix for the top two tiers and then made a chocolate with peppermint buttercream for the bottom tier. I added chopped peppermint patties to the chocolate to give it a minty so fresh and so clean kick. YuMmY!
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