I can't believe it has been so stinkin' long since I have not only posted but made a cake!! For an update we are still in limbo as far as where we are going to live. Everything is still packed so of course that makes all things caking difficult. It is my new years resolution to get back on top of creating and posting. I still love love love making cakes so motivation is definitely not a problem ;)
Congrats Sally and Zach (pictured here with my only December cake)!! They recently got engaged and luckily I was able to find out about it before he popped the question. I was able to surprise them with this cake on the same day as their engagement. They are such a cute couple and I absolutely love this picture.
I wanted the cake to be simple but cute so I opted to try out my piping skills again with this design. I really love how it looks and will work on getting the dots more uniform and in straighter lines next time. Red and pink do happen to be my fav colors but what better colors to use to celebrate love and Christmas in one ;) Oh and I forgot to mention how nervous I was giving this cake to Sally because she is a culinary student and makes way better goodies than me by far ;) Hopefully I didn't remind her too much of why people should go to culinary school instead of trying to teach themselves.... Again, congrats Sally and Zach!
Piped Hearts Valentine’s Cake
5 years ago
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